Print Shop Manager uses a
Relational Pricing Model.
What is a "Relational Pricing Model" ??
Every size and type of stock relates to each press a little differently. An 8.5" x 11" sheet of 20# Bond will run through your press at a certain speed. Usually full speed. But how fast can you run the press with 23" x 35" 20# Bond or 11" X 17". So the press speed is related to the stock size. It is also related to the kind of stock. Certain kinds of cover stock will run at full speed while others cannot. Very light weight stock will slow most presses to a crawl. So the press speed is based on size and the kind of stock. Each variation can produce a different effect on the press speed. This is the press / stock / size relationship.
The amount of overrun is dependent on the press / stock / size relationship. This is also true for the "time to first good impression". Or how many sheets and how many minutes does it take to produce good copy. These quantities are dependent on the press / stock / size relationship.
In Print Shop Manager you have a highly granular ability to predict the press speed and setup time for any combination of press / stock / size. If, in your shop, this is not important, you can simplify the process and make broad projections about these relationships and ignore the granularity.
Some bindery options have a bindery / stock / size relationship. The lift size or number of sheets per cut on your cutter is dependent on the thickness of the stock. The amount you charge per cut is dependent on the kind of stock and the size of the stock. It is easy to cut cards out of 8.5" x 11" card stock but it is more difficult to cut them out of 23" x 35" sheets. So the cost per cut and the number of cuts is relative to the bindery / stock / size relationship.
Most of the pricing tables are built on this model.