PSM Change History

If you are not at the current version, you can find out what the newer versions contain.

The history starts at the most current release and progresses back in time. You can check your version number at the bottom of your PSM program, then find your version in the list and start reading up to find what has changed since your last update.

Version 5.0002 - 12/07/2024

1) This update changes the version from 4.0 to 5.0. Since 4.0 was released there have been significant changes to PSM which increased the usability and functionality. Sometime in January I’ll be increasing the price of the program for new users and increasing the yearly support price and the rental rate to match the purchase price increase.
2) One of the users found a problem in the PO Number drop down in the Search for Order form. If the Filtered check box is checked or un checked while a row in the dropdown was checked, it caused an error. This has been resolved.
3) You can now add a job with Multiple Quantities to the Saved Jobs Folder.
4) Under Maintenance -> PSM Setup Tables -> System Options - > General Options, I've added the ability to modify your PSM Template Colors if you want to customize PSM for your copy. If you click on Maintenance, then PSM Setup Tables, then System Options, then the green General button, at the bottom you’ll see where you can set a custom color scheme for each installation on PSM. If you’ll click on the yellow Help button at the top of the System Options Form, the Help file will open up with an explanation of all of the options. Very close to the bottom of the Help page, you’ll see a color selection tool. Scroll up to find the start of the explanation of this new feature.
5) I added a link to ChatGPT, the free AI tool. You’ll find it under the Help button on the main PSM Form. Click Help then About Print Shop Manager. You’ll find a green button labeled Link to ChatGPT. You’ll need to register by creating a user name and password to use it. If you’ve never used AI, you’ll be surprised at how useful it can be. Ask it how much does 1,200 sheets of your favorite stock weigh. It will print a report for you. Ask it a an unusual random question like ‘what’s my sign’ and what are the characteristics of this sign. It will print a report.
6) I have added Bleed and Crop Marks to the Sheets and New Printer templates. Open a Sheets template and click on the yellow Help button. Scroll down to the bottom and you’ll find Managing Bleed. Click that button and you’ll learn all about it. If you don’t use it, the program will operate just like it did before. You will need to choose to use it and tell it how much default space you want on all four sides. The Help explanation will explain all of this to you. It’s pretty involved.
Obviously, if you have trouble using it, just call and I’ll help explain it to you.

Version 4.0276 - 9/1/2023

1) I found a problem with printer prices if there was overrun involved. The printer price using the Pads, or Sheets, or Digital printer templates were different by a few cents. This was corrected.
2) Modified the Bindery formulas slightly. You can now check the Repetitions box for formulas that do not use Repetitions. This allows you to use Repetitions in the Grid Discount Factor Table without it being used in the formula. I discovered I needed that when I was trying to setup a folding option that mimicked the Franklins Book prices.
3) Found an inconsistency in the way the PrePress option prices were stored. You were allow to enter a decimal amount into quantity but it was stored as a whole number causing a confusing message to come up if the job was recalled. The message wanted to change the setup numbers because of the decimal number being rounded up or down when recalled.
4) Added Sort By Name to the Bindery Selection form. If you have not organized the Bindery Option into groups and if you have a large number of options you have defined, you will now be able to sort them by name so that they’re easier to find.
5) Modified PrePress Option selection. You can now specify a quantity that has 2 decimal points. In the past you could only specify whole numbers.
6) Added Ship When Ready to the Purchase Order
7) Added a warning to the NewPrinters Template to alert you if the At Run Size entry in the Front or Back Color and B/W fields times the number up is greater than the number of Originals. This is to remind the user that the numbers in there are about run size sheets not original size sheets.
8) When you used the drop down to select the Finished Size / Run Size combination from the defined table of combinations, the Run Size field is locked so that you may not change it. I have removed that lock from the program. If you just assume that it’s still locked, then nothing has changed, but if you need to manually enter some odd run size you may now do it. Just be sure to look at the Ups and Cuts fields to verify that’s what you want.

Version 4.0275 - 5/4/2022

1) Added a link on the Quote Format form to "" to shed more light on "What's a Twip"
2) I had a new user stop using the program because she said the stock prices were changing so fast that it was quicker to do them by hand. That obviously disturbed me. After that, one of our long time users sent an email concerning the same issue. I looked at the program to find out how I could make changing stock costs in the program as fast as doing it manually. This is what I came up with:
On the templates, Right Click on the Stock Name. The Cost Form will ope so you can see what you've been paying, and then change it if needed.
3) Usually next to Stock Color, there's a small blue button. That button was put there last year to allow you to send a copy of the stock’s Vendor ID# to the computer’s clipboard so that you could paste it into the vendors web page to look for the stock you needed to order, or price check.
I need to know if this is better for you. Does it help you keep up with your stock cost better? Do you use the Vendor's ID# when you order stock from them?

(The Right Click method is used in other places in PSM, for example, if you’ve entered 6 Bindery Options, only the first three will show, if you right click the bindery list, it will show all 6. This works with displaying the colors used to print on the NCR sheets, or the Color sequence of the sheets, or a couple of other places where you cannot see the whole list without scrolling down. So the Right Click option is already a standard to accomplish things in PSM. Below are the changes from the last update.)

Version 4.0254 - 2/31/2022

1) It was brought to my attention that the number of characters in an email addresses has increased over the years. So I have increased the size that can print on a quote or a workorder.
2) Corrected a problem encountered when saving a booklet to the Saved Templates Folder.
3) The Box/Lines around the Notes in the Delivery Form was not sizing properly so I had to remove it.
4) I added the ability to add a graphic or message at the bottom of the Delivery Form.
5) Corrected a problem that occurred when saving multiple quantity Pads. The Padding Post-Press charge for the last quantity was not being saved. Also the Last quantity was printing first on a Quote. Both of these errors were corrected.
6) A printer in Tampa found that using the Special Type for stock selection while in the Digital Template does not work correctly. This has been corrected.
7) The Operation Summary has been modified to make the lines under Total Invoices easier to understand. The taxable invoices details have been separated from the non taxable invoices details.
8) Corrected a problem seen when saving a Mail Center Template into the Saved Templates Folder.
9) The bottom of the Quote has been modified to accommodate a large Quote Statement that contains several lines. A large statement at the bottom of a quote would cause the Quote to step to a second page if the statement would not completely fit on the first page. This would leave a large white space at the bottom. It now will fit as much of the statement on the first page as it can, and put the rest on the second page.
10) Fixed a problem in the Mounting portion of the Large Format Template. It was generating a fatal error if you clicked the Yellow Button to see how a Mounting price was generated.
11) Enhanced the Screen Print Template to make it more flexible with more options.
12) Changed the order that work orders can be displayed in the Find order Form. The order number drop down can now be sorted by the Due Date if you set Due Date as the default for work orders. It is normally sorted by the Order Number. To set the default to Due Date, click Maintenance, PSM Setup Tables, System Options, General and about half way down, put a check in Sort By Due Date.
13) Modified the Automatic Shipping Charge Addition to remember a charge will not be added, so it will quit asking every time you Calc.
14) Added a field in the Paper2Bindery Relations Table called "Constant". This field is used in conjunction with three new formulas at the bottom of the Bindery Definition Form, that will allow you to divide the Copies or Originals or Copies*Originals by the Constant. This is useful in defining how many sheets or envelopes of a stock at a certain size will fit into a box. I'm sure there are many other uses.

Version 4.0232 - 5/27/2021

1) I discovered a system error that occurs while printing a single statement. In the process of correcting the error, I noticed the format of a single statement did not allocate space correctly so that was also corrected.
2) Please check the Option "Digital Print price Slope Transition". I’ve noticed that some of you do not have this set correctly. To do this, Click Maintenance, PSM Setup Tables, System Options, Template. Under Digital Template, look for Digital Print price Slope Transition. If it does not have a check in it, the pricing will step from one break point to the next instead of a smooth transition between two break points. We recommend that you check this box unless you have a specific reason not to.
3) If you have the Large Format Option or the Mailing Option you have probably noticed that the Item X of Y printed on the Work Order doesn't make sense. We have corrected this so that "Item X" means the item number as it appears in Quick View and "Of Y" means the total number of items on the order.
4) I have made some changes to the “Across The Board Rate Changes” routine. First of all I have put a link to the Backup Tool in Print Shop Manager, so that you can make a quick backup before you make rate changes, “just-in-case”.
Also, I found that very small numbers were not being changed when the routine was ran. For example: if you had a charge per sheet on one of your Bindery Options, of 10 cents, 0.10, and if you asked for a rate increase of 2% or 1.02, and you asked for final numbers to be reduced to 2 decimal places, it would not change the 10 cent per sheet price. It goes like this: 0.10 x 1.02 = 0.102; when reduced to 2 decimal places, it remains 0.10.
So, the number of decimal places will be adjusted dynamically to accommodate the needed extra place. The smallest number of places it will use will be the number you have specified. So if you specify 3 places, but only 2 are needed, it will still use 3, but if you specify 3 and it needs 5, it will use 5.
Because of these changes the routine runs slower but shows what it is doing better. The time consumed before to do the changes was about 2 to 4 seconds, while now it will be about 10 seconds.

Version 4.0216 - 3/19/2021

This update deals with the PSAM EMAIL function. I know that several of you take advantage of the ability to email a quote or an invoice directly from Print Shop Manager. Since our partnership with BASYS Credit Card Processing, we have updated the that email function. First of all there is a sample email attached to this email. It’s just a .PDF of an email we generated here. We just picked a couple of graphics, header and footer to add to it but you can see that you can add your own graphics to the email to make it look more professional. The email that you send from here will show up in the Sent folder of the email client that you normally use, so that further communications will be done through your normal methods. The “PAY NOW” button on the email is placed there, unless you elect to omit it for this email, if you have elected to sign on with BASYS for all of your credit card processing, or just this part of it. If you have not signed on the “PAY NOW” button will not be there. The PAY NOW button on the email in the PDF is active. If you click it you will see a demo version of the page your customer will see. There is a new EMAIL Setup Form under Maintenance->PSM Setup Tables->System Options->E-Mail. After you open the new form, you can click the yellow Help button to get information about the new features and how to use them. This will be a large upgrade to your PSM Emails.

Version 4.0196 - 12/10/2020

1) We added a button to the launch buttons on the left. This Yellow Folder on a black background is the entry for the Saved Templates/Template Sets Folder. This new feature allows you to save complex templates that you create repeatedly for new jobs. When you need to re-quote one of these jobs you can open the folder, select the saved template and click Recall to bring the template to the work area. Then you can change the quantity and maybe a couple of details and your job to quote is complete. This folder also contains Sets of Saved Templates. For example, when defining a wedding invitation you have to define multiple single jobs, with bindery options, ink options, paper choice and more on each. You will need one template to define the main invitation, one to define the main envelope, the next to define the RSVP card and finally one to define the RSVP folder. Now, with a single click each of these saved templates will appear in the work area to modify or just save as new order.
2) We added three new formulas added to the Bindery Options Setup Form.
   1) Formula 17 = Originals / Repetitions
   2) Formula 18 = Copies / Repetitions
   3) Formula 19 = (Originals*Copies) / Repetitions
These will allow you to specify things like how many pages or booklets or pads, etc, will be packaged together in one package, yielding how many packages will there be.

Version 4.0182 - 9/17/2020

1) Added an Imposition Tool to the Digital Template to assist you in correctly adding the number of Leafs of Color or BW on the Front and the Back of a printed set of pages.
2) Added a Relations Table that will relate any Digital Printer to any type or size of paper being printed. If your printer slows down with heaver paper or larger paper, you can define this in the relations table to adjust the click or per hour charge. This table is very similar to the Relations Table we use for Off Set Presses.
3) Added a Rate Per Hour calculator to the Digital Printer Setup Form.
4) This update has new Purchase Order routines. If this is a new PO, the Item Description from the order will be set into the Item Description in the PO. When the PO is saved or printed, the Item Description will be whatever you have changed it to. You can change it and it will save it in the PO without changing the Description on the job.
5) We added a switch in System Options, Invoices to "Do not add the re-order history to the Invoice Comment". This will prevent Re-Order Invoice History from being added to the Invoice Comment in the Order Header and then printing on the invoice. If one does print after this you can go into the Order Header, delete it from the Invoice Comment and it will not come back.
6) On each template, next to the Quote / Work Order Notes, we have added a small yellow button. If you click that button the notes will come up in a larger window so that you can add and see more than two lines while entering the notes. What you enter in here will be saved and printed just like before.

Version 4.0157 - 11/11/2019

1) Corrected inconsistencies and problems in the Delivery Slip.
2) In the General Template, you can force 'Per' to be the same as the 'Quantity' in Calculation Type 5 by setting the Template option:
Click Maintenance
Click PSM Setup Tables
Click System Options
Click Template
Under General Template put a check in "Default 'Per' to 'Quantity' on a new Calculation Type 5. This will transfer the quantity you enter into the Quantity field to the Per field on a new job if the Per field is blank. You can then, if you need to, change the Per field to 1 or 10 or whatever the Per should be.
3) Added the ability to search by Contact Name in the Search By Description form. This will allow you to look for the contact name of the contact from a job that originated with a walk in customer.
4) Added Invoiced Taxable by Tax Rate to Operation Summary
5) Added your company name to the Purchase Order. It can be turned ON or OFF in the Reports - Format menu.

Large Format

1) When opening the Bindery Selection form from the Large Format Template, if you have a bindery group named "Large Format" the form will default to that group
2) We added a new Bindery Option called Cutting LF. Cutting LF calculates a price based on the assumption that you are cutting out the image, and possibly the laminate on top of it, using a blade and that you will probably make four slices across a cutting board per image. In the Cutting LF Bindery Option you can add a Setup charge and a Per Slice charge. The LF Template will attempt to calculate how many slices will be required based on the number of originals and copies and whether or not bleed is involved.

Quick Books Link

1) We changed the sequence for sending an invoice to QuickBooks. We took out the question "Are you ready to send this invoice to QuickBooks" and replaced it with a button at the top of the invoice. The button is "QBlink". Instead of asking the question, the invoice will just open so you can inspect it. If you are ready to send it to QuickBooks, click the "QBlink" button. This will send it to the PSM-QB.iif file and turn on the Print button on the invoice so that you can print it if you need to. If you have already sent it to QuickBooks earlier, you will still see the "This has already been sent....." prompt
2) Next year I will be seriously looking into using the Quickbooks SDK to do a direct link to Quickbooks. Even though the QBLink using the IIF file still works, the IIF format has not been supported for a few years. The SDK will allow me to do many things that I could not do with the IIF file and it is supported. Your current method of importing will still work but I will very possibly be offering the newer version when it is ready.

Version 4.0152 - 09/19/2019

1) This update is sent to users who have the Large Format Option. There have been major changes to the template and the methods used to price a job.
2) The main difference in this version over the last version, which was 40127 is the addition of a Laminator and a Mounter.
3) The Laminator is added when you do this update. You can access it after you open the Large Format Template, turn on the Orange Buttons and click the Orange Button beside the field labeled Laminate Width Inches. In there you will be able to enter Labor Prices by the foot or by the minute and Setup charges by the width of the laminate used. It is used to calculate the Labor in Laminating. The stock cost is used to calculate the stock price. There are already numbers in there which you can try out and change as needed.
4) The Mounter is also added by this update. Its Orange Button is located beside the field labeled Mount Size Inches. The Mounter is virtual, in that it can be your Laminator or some device you use or a flat table you use to mount by hand. It's there so that you can have a place to enter Labor Prices and Setup Prices. It is used to calculate the Labor in Mounting. The stock cost is used to calculate the stock price.
5) I have tried to include a complete set of context sensitive help pages for Large Format. All of the forms associated with Large Format will have a Yellow Help Button. When you click this button, it will take you to a page that explains the piece of the program you are looking at. If you click Help on the main Large Format Template, you will find hyper links to every form or function associated with Large Format.
6) This version IS backwards compatible. You will be able to open old jobs and have it function very much as it did before you updated it. The new functions will be available to use with your old jobs if you wish.
7) Since there is an extensive help system in place, I would suggest that you open the Larger Format Template and click Help. This will give you a much better explanation of the new features than I have listed here.

Version 4.0151 - 09/16/2019

1) This update is sent to users who have the Screen Printing Option. There have been major changes to the template and the method used for pricing.
2) The main difference in this version is in the switch from being oriented to dozens to singles or each. It will handle orders like 15 or 45 much easier than the last version.
3) If you are currently using the Screen Print Option for pricing, please call us before you install this.
4) All of the instructions on how to use the new template are in the new help file.
5) After you have downloaded the help file, you should download the new PSMScreen.mdb file and place it in your data directory.

Version 4.0113 - 08/31/2018

1) The biggest change in this update is to your ability to send a quote or invoice out in an email. If you are currently using Outlook as your email client, you can continue to use it as is, but you can also enhance how it works for you.
With this update, you can now use Outlook or Thunderbird as an email client or you can use the online services Gmail, Yahoo, AOL or probably any service you have. You can also have a different service for each user.
Click Maintenance, PSM Setup Tables, the System Options button, and then the green E-Mail button. On the new form, click Help to see all the new features. Scroll down from the System Options form to find it.
2) There is a new, updated Help file and a new way to get to it. Microsoft has changed the rules so I have had to relocate it. Install it first, before you run the update carrier. With this new configuration, you will be able to get context sensitive help by clicking on any of the help buttons in the program.
It may now have the help you were looking for. Try it, if the help is not there, let me know and I will add it to the help file.
3) Removed the fax number from the Work order and replaced it with the email address.
4) Added envelope stock to the new Digital Printer Template.
5) Added two new buttons to the Customer Form. Look under the General Tab, Invoice Instructions, and Quote Instructions. If you have a customer who has special needs you need to remember every time you send them a quote or an invoice, you can add a reminder to the customer's record using these buttons. When you ask PSM to print a quote or an invoice for this customer, PSM will pop up a reminder for you just before it shows the quote or invoice on the screen.

QuickBooks Link users

1) If you add the words 'To be e-mailed' somewhere in the new Invoice Instructions, the check box on the QB Invoice 'To be e-mailed' will be checked. If you do not want the QB invoice box checked, don't use those exact words.
2) Added DueDate to the imported QB Invoice. It's ether the ship date or the ship date + 30 days, depending on the credit setting in the customer record.
3) The QBLink will now import the Terms and Credit Limit. If the PSM customer has credit, the link will send Net 30 to QB. If they do not have credit the link will send COD to QB.

Version 4.0107 - 8/17/2018

1) Added an Order Archive Routine. Under Maintenance, General you will find the Archive Paid Orders. If you have used PSM for several years, you will have built up a large volume of old paid invoices that you never look at any more. These orders will slow own PSM somewhat. You can now archive them and if you need some of them back in the main data base you can selectively recall them. There is a link to help when you select the option.
2) Added a formula class 16 to the Bindery Options. This is similar to Special except you can name the Bindery Option and use it over and over. It allows you to enter a quantity and a price each. It's different than class 2 in that it does not use a stored price each.
3) Added new columns to the General Template Table, these will store a Formula, a MarkUp percent and a Group. The Formula column is to specify which formula to use when an item is selected from the drop down in the General Template. The Mark Up Percent is used when the price charged is based on the cost + markup. The Group column allows you to Group the items you have in the table for easier access in the General template. This will add functionality and usefulness to the General template.
4) Modified the Other Services grid, and Other Services Form to add the new fields.
5) Added a Purchase Order button to the Quick View Form. This will allow you to create a purchase order for more than one item on an order
6) Removed the Fax# from the WO and replaced it with EMAIL
7) Added the ability to email using Thunerbird, Yahoo, Gmail, AOL, etc. Plus added several features to the email function. Click Maintenance, PSM Setup Tables, System Options, E-Mail to get to the setup. Click Help to learn about all the new features.
8) Added Envelopes to the NewPrinter Template. You can click the Envs button to select envelope stock.
9) The Step and Repeat default in the OffSet/Digital Templates will now follow the default set in the Digital Printer Template.
10) A change BineryPreP Template makes whatever paper you have define as Customer in the default Stock Type to be the default Stock Name. If you have not defined a customer stock, it will default to the first stock in the default type as it does now.
11) Added a check box to the BinderyPreP Template to allow you to omit printing stock information on the quote or invoice. This allows you to stack bindery and prepress options in a line item without mentioning stock
12) In System Options you can select any Bindery Option and/or any PrePress Option to be placed by default on each template when you open it with a new job.
13) Added two new buttons to the customer form under the General Tab, Invoice Instructions and Quote Instructions. If you have a customer who has special needs you need to remember every time you send them a quote or an invoice, you can add a reminder to the customer's record using these buttons. When you ask PSM to print a quote or an invoice for this customer, PSM will popup a reminder for you just before it shows the quote or invoice on the screen.

Version 4.0057 - 11/2/2017

1) In the Customer Full List, there were two places, Change Salesman and Change Tax rate that if not used correctly would produce a fatal error.
2) There was a point in the Bindery Selection form that would fail if the Bindery name had a full quote in it. For example if the name contained 8" for eight and on half inches, the full quote would cause a problem. I found this point and fixed it.
3) Someone pointed out that the PO number was not printing on statements. This was corrected.
4) If your using the Mailing Option, and you printed an invoice, and if you elected to show postage on the invoice, the amount paid in postage was not showing up. This was corrected.
5) Someone discovered a field on one of the templates that would accept a carriage return. This meant that if you entered a value and then hit enter, the value would disappear from the form, but it was actually there but on a line below what you could see. I'm sure you probably saw this from time to time. I found out that several fields were set this way, so I checked every field and changed them all to work correctly.
6) I have noticed for several years that the right hand scroll bar next to a grid would almost disappear under the right border of a window in Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10 computers if you resized the window the grid was in. I was unsure how to resolve this until I finally found a method to do it.
While you are using the program now, if you notice this happening after this fix, please let me know which window it's doing it on and what operating system you are using so I can make sure that every window with a grid will work correctly.
7) One option added; you now have the ability to print statements for all customers with all invoice details.

Version 4.0039 - July 12, 2017

1) When deleting old quotes from the Delete Old Quotes tool, you now have the option of deleting only un-printed quotes while leaving the printed quotes there.
2) We have added a onetime "Ship To Address" that can be added to any order. If one of your customers needs you to drop ship to a shipping address that you do not have on file, and if this is a onetime drop ship, you can click the Shipping Addr button on the Quick View form. The address you enter into this form will be save for this job. It is not saved into any other table.
3) We changed the Re-Order History process. The re-order history you now see in your Work order Comments will be removed and placed into history fields in each order header. That history will be available under a button on the Quick View form. You will be able to define the number of re-order history lines to print on a Work order by opening System Options and Work order. That will make the work order print like it did before but you can limit the number of lines. The history will no longer print on the invoice. If you need it on the invoice, please let me know and I will make it happen.
4) There is a DUP button on every template. This button will create an exact duplicate of the template you are working on. It's there just as a convenience to you if you want to modify a job you have spent some time defining but you don't want to lose your work. You can duplicate it and make your changes to the duplicate. If you like your changes, you can save the duplicate or just modify the original and save it.
5) There is the beginning of the process to import your stock prices. You can see it under Maintenance -> Change pricing Tables -> Update Stock prices. You will need a supplier that is marked as a paper vendor (under vendors) and a .csv or .txt coma delimited file to test it. It will not import prices, it will only allow you to create a "map" of vendor fields names to PSM field names. If you do create a map you can save it and it will be used when this function is complete.
6) If you are curious about the Large Format Template, check the item below.
7) There is a Backup Selection under Maintenance, General. When you select this, you will be able to select where you want the data backed up to. It will then create a copy of your data in the chosen directory.
This is actually the reason for the new program update. The backup worked on our development system but when one of our users tried it, it failed. We then tested it on a Win10 64bit and found that it did indeed fail. This update corrects the failing component.
8) We added a method to modify stock prices by looking up the item number: click Maintenance, Change pricing Tables, Paper Prices, View Item Numbers then start keying in the Item Number on the right side of the form. When the number you have keyed in is unique the record pointer will be on the correct record. At that time press enter, then press enter again and you will be in the Paper Cost form.
9) If you have a customer with an odd sales tax requirement, you can put .99 into their tax rate and explain why in their notes. When you print an order for them, the program will see the 99% tax rate and alert you to change the Order Header to the correct tax amount for that order.
10) We added a Cancel button to the Print Level of Detail Form so you can bail out there if you change your mind.

Changes specific to Large Format
1) The Large Format Template has undergone significant changes. It will enhance your abilities in this template.
2) If you do not wish to use the changes, you will find the template is very similar to what you are accustomed to and you do not have to conform to it. It will recall all your old LF jobs and work with them as they are.
3) This link will open a YouTube video that will demonstrate all of the changes made to the template and how to use them.
4) I will be adding the new features to the Help file later.

Version 4.0003 - November 9, 2016

1) Change to version 4.0. By virtue of the number of changes introduced this year we are moving the version number up one whole number.
2) You will find, on every template, a Duplicate Button called DUP, next to the CALC button. With this button, you can create a duplicate of the job you are currently defining. You might spend several minutes building a complete description of the service and production work needed to create a complex job for a customer. Once you have it almost completed, you might wish you could try some changes without losing what you've got. Now you just click the DUP button and new template will open with the same settings you have on the original. Now you will have two identical copies of the job, one to keep your settings the other to play with and try alternate solutions. You can have as many duplicates opened as your screen will hold.
3) We noticed some intermittent timing problems in the Copy template and were able to isolate them and correct them.
4) Corrected a problem in the Work Order format in the New Digital introduced with ver 30408
5) You may have recalled an old job and experienced a message something like "The new price for this option is not the same as the old price, do you wish to update it?" If the old price shown is the same as the new price shown, you may have wondered, "What does it mean? What does it want?" You may have a problem with the number of decimal places stored in your pricing tables. Rather than trying to guess how many decimal places you want in your tables and writing code to correct the problem, I would like you to call me and let me walk you through it. It's pretty simple and quick and you'll probably learn something about the program.
6) Changed the Delivery report routine to express originals and copies so that business cards and other templates are more clearly expressed.
7) In quick view these are the Hot Keys, press H = Header, P = Print, A = Recall All, R = Recall Selected Item, Y = Payments. Press one of these key is like clicking the button but easier if you are more keyboard oriented.
8) Added a basic report to the Customer Menu; Shipping Addresses by Billing Address. This will show all the customers associated with one billing address. If you use this report, please communicate to me how we can make it more useful.
9) Added a Stop button to the Search By Description form so you can stop a search that is going to take too long.
10) When you click the launch button for Booklets you will see a new selection, "Self Cover Booklets". I think you will like this one

Changes specific to Large Format
1) Added an Option under Template Options to default to Stock Size rather than Image Size in the LF template for the stock price.
2) We made significant changes to the Cut Map display. One of the changes allows cuts to be dependent on whether or not bleed is involved in the printing.
3) Removed the Outdoor Ink checkbox from the Large Format Template.
4) There is a little blue button beside the "Printed Size" drop down (was called Finished Size). Click it and it brings up the Build Printed Size form. It should be self-explanatory. It's only on the LF Template. If you do not use the new form, the program works just like it did before.
On this form, you can define the space for cut marks, bleed and additional space between print areas. Once this form is used and critiqued by the Large Format Option users, we will probably add the form to the rest of the templates.

Version 3.0408 - December 22, 2015

1) You can now divide your Bindery option into multiple Actions. Each Bindery can have from one to several Actions associated with it. When you run the update the name of each Bindery option will be placed into a field called Action. You can rename the Action field to something else and then add Actions to the Bindery option.
If you will open a Bindery option record and click the Help button you will get help on the new Action field. Be sure to download the new Help file below to get the new one.
2) You will also notice that you can see the complete name of the Bindery option on the template when you select it.
3) A couple of you have noticed that order items and bindery items within an item have been missing or moving to another item. We finally found a possible cause for this and corrected it.
4) A few years ago we had to change the Sequence function on Quick View. You were told to close all templates before you could re-sequence the items on the order. We have revisited this procedure and finally found a way to allow you to leave the templates open while you re-sequence. So some of you will be happy with this.

Version 3.0389 - August 27, 2015

Apparently a problem updating to this new version is caused by Windows update a couple of months ago. If you have your data on a network device and are accessing it from other computers you will need to check the path to the data. If you use a path through the Network to the data you are OK. If you have "mapped" the network path to each computer to a local drive such as "H" or "Y" or some other letter the update will fail.

To force the update to work follow the procedure below:
1) On one of the PSM computers open PSM, click Maintenance, click General, click Set Data Source.
2) In the dialog box to locate the data, on the left, scroll down to Network and find the data server.
3) Set the data path through there.
4) Close PSM
5) Click on the links below and run the Help File update and the Program update.
6) Open PSM and change the Data Source back to your mapped drive.
We do not recommend using a mapped drive as a data path but if you need to this is how you can get the update and help file placed correctly.

We will try to change the way the update is delivered in the future so that a mapped drive will work.

Version 3.0386 - July 29, 2015

1) This update completes the separation of the Sizes in your stock cost table from the sizes in the bindery and press relations table. With this update you no longer need to have all of the sizes that you run through your bindery operation or your presses in your stock cost table. You can remove them. The only sizes that need to be in the stock cost table are sizes that you purchase. As of this update, when you select a stock to use in a job, the sizes listed under purchased will only include the sizes defined for that stock.

2) There is a new set of options called from the Paper Grid (click Maintenance, Change Pricing Tables, Paper Prices). On that form when you click Bindery or Presses you will find Add a Stock Size and Remove a Stock Size. These buttons will allow you to add or remove a stock to bindery or stock to press relations record. ** Before ** you use them, click the Bindery Button on the Paper Grid to get the Stock to Bindery Relations Table, then click the Help button to get an understanding of how and why to use them.

3) Make sure you download the new Help file by using the link below and running the program it brings up.

4) Also in this update, the Maintenance menu has changed. We moved the whole Change Pricing Tables menu over one level to make it easier to get to.

Version 3.0375 - March 4, 2015

We changed the OPE report. It is easier to see the digital printers in the report now. It also clarifies where the data comes from so that it is easier to understand.

This is a very useful report that apparently some of you are not aware of. It is located under Reports. It shows how much each piece of equipment or process is used over a period of time or for one of your customers over a period of time.

Version 3.0369 - December 18, 2014

This update will be a big time saver to some of you and others it will only be a convenience. You do not have to use it if you do not want to but you should look into it.

We have implemented Item Numbers associated with your Sheet and Envelope stock. Each paper size and color combination has an Item Number or Stock Number from your vendor. That number may be the manufacturers number. When you install this update it will write a record for every size/color you have defined for your envelope and sheet stock. You can access this table from the Paper Grid with the View Item Numbers button or from a Sheets Form, Colors Form or Stock Costs Form using the Item #s button. From any of these entry points you can enter the Vendors Item Number.

Also on the Sheets Form or the Envelope Form you can select a paper vendor for that stock.

Also you will find a Size field on the Envelope Form. This envelope size is it's standard size in inches, not it's industry size as in A2 or A3.

If you add Item Numbers and Vendor info you will find this info on your stock order report when you print it. You will also find it on your Inventory Status form and report. It should make ordering stock easier for you. You will not need to enter Item Numbers for stock that you never order, it's only for sizes and colors that you do order. In an update next year, we will be changing the way you enter sizes into the Sheets Form. You will no longer need to have 8.5 x 11 in there if you never order 8.5 x 11. You can remove all the unused sizes. **** BUT do not do that now ****, you have to wait until next year to remove them.

Using this Item Number will allow us to import paper definitions and prices next year so that you can stay on top of prices without manually entering them. You will also, next year be able to point at a stock type and have it imported into PSM. Next Year!

When you run the version 30369 update the structure change component will write an Item Number record for every stock that has a size and a color defined. If there has not been a color defined it will not write a record. Currently if you have not defined a color, not even white for a stock, the program will default to white. The structure change component does not make that assumption. If you look at the Item Numbers table from the Sheets Form, you will find records for that stock if there has been colors defined. If you do not fins a record, simply define one color, probably White, and you will then find one record of White for every size defined for the stock.

Once again, you do not need to record an Item Number for a stock size you do not order, but you still need the size in the Cost table for correct operation. Later next year you will be able to eliminate sized that you do not order.

Version 3.0364 - November 19, 2014

This version adds access to the ItemNumbs table. When you add a color or a size to stock you will find a button "Item #" which will take you directly to the ItemNumbs table so you can enter the item number associated with the stock/color/size.

On the Item Numbs form are two new buttons. One opens the stock form to give you access to the sizes and colors associated with the stock. The other button opens the More Info table which has several fields that describe the stock.

When you add stock, the process does not add records the Item Numbs table because it does not add the colors from the similar stock to the new stock. So it cannot write stock/size/color records as there are no colors.

Version 3.0358 - October 22, 2014

This is the first iteration of the inclusion of an Item Number based on the stock name and stock size and vendor.

Please add a vendor to the stock on the Sheets Form and an Item Numb to each size of that stock in the Costs Form. Then use the stock in a work order and see the resulting inclusion in the Stock Order report. Also if you have started an inventory on some stock, add the vendor and Item Numb to that stock, run the stock to the order point and see the resulting Stock Status report.

Version 3.0353 - September 26, 2014

1) Added an option to append a user defined number or character to the Postage Request Form number to make it different than the invoice number

2) Added your company name and address to the Packing List

3) Modified the Delivery Ticket. Changed the address to the shipping address. This may require a change in the Format settings.

4) Added an option to the Delivery Ticket under Systems Options, General. You can default to print quantities or to not print quantities. If you choose to print quantities, a form will come up and allow you to change the text that prints, delete lines that print and change the quantities.

5) Modified the Quote a little to allow more lines to print before it pages.

6) Modified the Postage Statements so that the statement sorts by shipping date.

Version 3.0340 - June 13, 2014

1) Added a Department column and filter to the Tracking Report in the Tracking Option.

2) Added the Job Tracking History Form to the scanner processing program. It pops up with every order scan.

3) Added a "Default Quantity" to the Mail Options form to use instead of the number of pieces when defining a mail job.

4) Expanded all stock size fields to accommodate 6 characters x 6 characters, like 12.125 x 19.125

5) Added a delivery ticket.

6) Corrected the Envelopes Template to stabilize the overrun calculation when you click Re-Calc.

Version 3.0282 - November 13, 2013

1) Added a 5th calculation type (Cost * Markup%) to the General Template.

2) Changed the size of the "source" field in the Finished Size table to allow sheet sized with 3 decimal points in the Length and Width.

Version 3.0227 - October, 29, 2013

1) I had to add a Bindery Calculation 15 which is Total Sheets through the press or printer times repetitions. This handles UV coating one or two sides before cutting.

2) The Envelopes Template now has an "Originals Field for doing more than one of the same type of envelope on one job.

3) If you are using an Estimator Only version of PSM, the Order Header will now accept a total of payments. It will not store when or how the payments were made, it will only store the total.

Version 3.0272 - October, 15, 2013

1) This adds a field to the stock order report for Cost/M. This is the last recorded cost for a stock.

2) We added an option under System Options > General Options for "Print Aging Line on Statement". This will allow you to place the Aging Line on the Statement or Invoice independent of each other.

3) I removed all the separation lines from the OPE report and all of the Invoice reports to facilitate the ability to write a useable XLS file from the reports.

4) Modified the Booklets Work Order for booklets to be more clear about how many good finished size sheets will be coming off the press.

5) Increased the maximum job size from 99,999 to 999,999 as some jobs got bigger. Hope you get one of these jobs.

6) I removed all the separation lines from the OPE report and all of the Invoice reports to facilitate the ability to write a useable XLS file from the reports.

7) We added an option under System Options > General Options for "Print Aging Line on Statement". This will allow you to place the Aging Line on the Statement or Invoice independent of each other.

8) Added a field to the customer table for Sales Tax ID Number Expiration Date. If you add an expiration date to the Tax Number it will check it every time you select a customer or save a job to an order or change the status of an order. There is also a report you can run to identify them before they expire under the Customer Menu.

90) Clicking Pay All on the Take Payments form will only pay IP invoices now.

10) Added additional calculation types to the General Template. You can select Manual Entry, Quantity * Price Each, Quantity * Price Per Quantity or Cost * Markup Percent. You can also lock in a Total Price.

11) Added the ability to inventory Envelopes like you can sheet stock.

Version 3.0242 - July 31, 2012

1) Several options were added to the password restrictions list. If you use passwords you may want to check out the new items you can restrict.

2) Tightened up the text on the body of the invoice.

3) Made "Print" The default button on the Quick View form so that to print an order you just need to go for Find then, type in the 6 digits, hit Enter to select the order, hit Enter to tell it to go to Quick View, hit Enter to tell it to print. So basically you enter 6 digits on the keyboard and hit enter three times and the print screen will come up

4) Added a network polling procedure to test for network connectivity every ten seconds. It is under System Options. When the procedure is enabled, the Blue, Search for a Work Order button on the main form will blink each time the network is tested. If the network connection has failed, a message will come up. The program will try to recover the connection but if it cannot it will warn you that you are about to lose any unsaved work. This will let you know how stable your network is from each computer to the server.

Version 3.0227 - March 13, 2012

1) A button was added to the Order Header screen that will show the date and amount of every payment made on an invoice.

2) Also there were a few quirks associated with not having an amount in the former pre-payment field. These are all resolved.

3) There will be an addition to the Operation Summary in the next update which should be out in a couple of weeks. The payments received will be broken out by payment method so that total payments received by credit card for any period of time will be available as needed by the IRS soon. This was one of the driving factors in removing the pre-payment from the header and making it a like a regular payment. So using this feature for pre-payments now will save you time later.

Version 3.0222 - Feb 28, 2012

1) You will notice that Work Orders show up in the list of orders that you can place a payment against. This is now normal. This is so that you can make a prepayment on a work order.

2) The ability to have an HTML email is going to be great for you but it requires an additional dll for it to work. It seems that some computers do not have this dll already, so you will need to install it. The link below will get you a patch which must be ran on each computer that fails to convert an invoice or a quote to a PDF, RTF or Email. So if you have already installed 30222 then click the link below and save the patch to a thumb drive or to the PSMdata location or some medium that will allow it to be distributed to each computer. If you have not downloaded the update yet, this patch will be a part of the download when you do get it.

Version 3.0221 - Feb 25, 2012

1) An anomaly in Booklets. If you discounted both the pages and the cover, it would possibly give an error "Totals do not match" when printing an invoice.

2) Added a SetUp field to PrePress.

3) Corrected a problem with the user definable address formatting in Statements. Address would not format correctly if it did not have a box around it.

4) Added a bar code to the Work Order. When scanned with the proper scanner it will pop up the Quick View screen for the order scanned and place the job into the work area.
To purchase the barcode scanner option, contact us.

5) Added a button to the Quick View form to allow you to move an order to the next step. ie, quote to work order, work order to invoice, invoice back to work order.

6) The background color is now an individual preference rather than a company preference.

7) You should be able to use a graphic in the signature of an email created by PSM now. This problem corrected.

8) Enhanced the "Postage on Invoice Options in the Mail Option". If you are using the Mail Option in PSM you will see a Mail Option Button under System Options. This will give you more control over the Postage visibility on an invoice. Also added the Postage Type Name to the invoice.

9) Invoices and Quotes can now be sent via email as the body of the email as well as an attached pdf. You will see a new "HTML" button at the top of the Quote and Invoice. Try it you'll like it.

Version 3.0192 - July 27, 2011

1) The Setup amount in Pre-Press was confusing the test for changed Pre-Press charges. Setup was added to the test to correct this.

2) The maximum "quantity" under Pre-Press options is increased from 99 to 999.

3) A new option was added to the General Options under System Options. This will allow you to forgo the Data Integrity test that is performed when the first computer opens PSM. The test looks for invoices that are not printed/posted and orders that do not have jobs attached to them. Disabling this test can speed up the time of the first computer to load PSM.

Version 30189 - July 25, 2011

1) This update that has Step & Repeat as part of the templates that used to be offset only. You will see the Step And Repeat check box on the templates if you select a digital printer instead of an offset printer on the templates. The Step & Repeat here works like the one on the New Digital printer Template.

2) Added a SetUp field to the PrePress options.

3) The last line in the OPE report was supposed to equal the "Total product Charges" line on the Operation Summary. It had been modified to include the Adjustments at some point so that it no longer did equal the "Total product Charges". The Adjustments have been removed from the last line so that it now does what it says.

4) The sales tax was not printing on a quote when the Print Header Information option on the Level of Detail dialog form was checked.

5) Changed the way the program handles temporary tables like t0, t1, t2....t10, etc. If you have had errors that mention these tables, this update should get rid of the errors.

6) Changed the way work order and invoice numbers are maintained. It now checks twice for a number already being assigned before it captures it and uses it. This should eliminate the duplicate invoices or overwriting invoices.

7) Changed the program to look at orders that are in process or are being converted to invoices and compare the tax rate held by the order against the tax rate in the customers record. If the rate has changed since the order was created it will alert the user and ask about changing the rate on the order. If the order is already an invoice and it has already been printed, it will not check or offer to change it.

8) Added a button with a link to the Program Changes web page to the About PSM form under the Help Menu selection.

9) Corrected some problems in the Large Format Option concerning changing stock prices.

Version 30174 - Oct 7, 2010

1) Price Lists.  The Price List function is used pricing jobs based on a list rather than calculations.  The list can represent jobs you are doing a special on or jobs for a particular customer who wants a fixed price list he can choose from.  It also can be for items you sell that are not printed but are off the shelf products.
You may never use it or you may use it extensively but the important thing is that it is here if you need it.
The new Help file will answer questions about how to set it up and how to use it.  You will find the launch icon on the left border with the other icons.

2) Omit Headings (Pre-Press,Ink Color,Post-Press) if empty.  This works along with the option in Quote Format.  Go to Maintenance > Change PSM setup Table > Systems Options > (click the) Quote button.

3) Added another check to the Add Stock Size function. This looks at the available sizes in the Bindery Relations table for a starting point if the size in the Costs table is not found in the Bindery table.

4) Corrected a problem in Carbonless.  If Tag was added to a multiple quantities job.  When the job was recalculated the second time, the Tag would be replaced with a color, the number  of Parts would change and several messages would be thrown.

5) The list of invoices on the Take Payments form is now in invoice number order..

6) There is a button on the Quick View form that will allow you to change the job notes and the hidden notes on a job without opening and saving the job.

7) Added a Stock Type field to the Job Ticket.

8) Added Delete Customer to the Security List.

9) Added a few extra fields to the bottom of the WO.  These fields are not captured, and are only saved on the printed WO.

10) Added an extra decimal point to the Per SqFt pricing on the Large Format Template.

11) Default Printers.  The Default Printers are now stored in the user database that is located on each PSM computer.  It was stored in the main PSMdata database and was shared out to each computer.  Using this method, each computer can have its own list of printers for the various printing needs.  When the program is first started, the shared printer definitions are copied to the users database.  If you open the default printers table now, what you will be looking at is the list for that computer.  If you change it you can copy the list the server list (which is only used as a storage area now).  You can also copy the entire server list to the user list if you need to do bulk changes.  Once you have used it you will find it to be very intuitive.

Version 30150 - Oct 30, 2009

1) Changed the printed quote so that the Order Description can be used on the quote along with or instead of the job descriptions as it is now in the invoice.

2) Added a setup form for the printed Packing List under Reports->Format.

3) The Invoice Note on the Customer form was not saving properly. Fixed.

4) Changed the term "each" to "Pads" on Quotes and Invoices if the job is Pads.

5) Changed the Description dropdown event on the General Template so that the Center field is filled with the Center from the dropdown selections.

6) Added end date range check boxes to the Search by Description form to limit the search to current orders if they are used.

7) Added a switch to the Systems Options under Template under the Digital Printer area. The new switch allows you to select how the quantity in the Printer rate table is used. If you use the switch, the quantity in the rate table is set equal to the number of run size sheets. If you do not use the switch (the default), the quantity in the rate table is set equal to the run size quantity times the number of 8.5x11 sheets that will come out of the run size. The default method uses 8.5x11 as the rate the table is setup for and assumes that running 11x17 will result in your being charged more per click.

8) Added a PrePress Minimum price field in setup for options that have quantity criteria. The Minimum field will show only if you put a check into the Request Quantity field in the setup form.

9) Added a "Due Date" work sheet screen for changing the due date on jobs in the WIP. You will find it under Job Actions. It works in conjunction with the Work Orders by Due Date report.

10) Added a Print Packing List button to the Quick View form.

Version 30140 - Jul 6, 2009

1) Removed the formatting lines from the commissions report so that it will produce a working XLS file in newer versions of Excel.

2)   Added Work Orders to the commissions report listed by Payments so that all pre-payments (work orders and invoiced) will show in the report.

3)    Added an option to change the background color of the main PSM screen.  If you have more than one database, they will look different when you open them so you can keep track of them easier.
Go to Maintenance -> Change PSM Setup Table -> System Options -> General.  Click the small button beside the back ground color.  The color you choose will change the back ground of the General form so that you can see it.  You will need to restart PSM for the color to be allied to the main screen.

4) Added an invoice description field to the order header. A couple of people have asked for this and I'm sure all of you will end up using it.  If you add a description to the order, it will supersede the job descriptions on the invoice.  It will make every job on the order look like it is one job.  The description line on the order header will be stored and will be there if you recall the order.  This can make the invoice a little easier for the customer.

Go to the order header and click the Order Description button near the top of the form.  What ever you enter into this text window will print on the invoice.  If you leave any thing in the text window, the job descriptions will not print.  If you inadvertently do not delete the invisible Carriage Returns, you will see them in the line next to the Order Description button and the button will be green.  If you want the job details to print you must not leave the invisible Carriage Returns in the field.

5)    Changed the packing list so that it may be printed while the order is still in production, before the order is invoiced.

Version 30133 - Apr 1, 2009

1) A PO required field has been added to the customer table. You can now require a PO for an individual customer.

2) Added fields Last Invoice and Last Payment to the customer table. You can use the custom lists under Mailing Labels/List to access them.

3) The "Hidden Notes" under the button on the templates will now save the note when you add it and not wait until you have saved the job. This will help you add comments to a job after the job has been invoiced when it is difficult to add comments. Recall the job, add the notes to the hidden notes and close the job without saving it. They will be there the next time as customer wants the job ran.

4) Added a switch in the Quote Options under System Options to prevent the job notes from printing on the customers quote.

5) There is now a rudimentary Packing List that you can print and ship with the order. The button is on the Order Header form. If this needs to be expanded or modified, or if this conflicts with your graphic please let me know. There is also a default printer selection for this form. On the Default Printers form.

Version 30123 - Mar 20, 2009

1) Added a default Envelope Type to System Options so you can select the default type for the Envelopes Template from among many that you may have.

2) Added a button to the Find Customer form to display payment days for every invoice for the last three years. This graph along with the Invoice/Payments History under Accounting will allow you to quickly find which invoices were late being paid

Version 30111 - Jan 16, 2009

1) Increased the customer address fields to 42 characters from 30. I tried to go to 50 but it caused a problem in some reports.

2) Increased the phone number from 20 to 25 characters to better accommodate extensions.

3) Separation lines were removed from the user definable list report and the Aging Summary report. The lines cause a problem when the reports are exported to XLS. When the spread sheet is opened in newer versions of Excel, it is full of errors if the lines are in it.

4) The addition of digital printers to the press only templates caused a problem if the press definition was deleted. This is corrected.

5) The press discount slope graph display is corrected.

6) Changed the method used to rebuild the press rate table when a new press speed was entered as the basis. This new method creates a much smoother slope that is easier to manually modify.

7) On the Bindery Option setup form, if you put a check in the Option "Request Repetitions", it causes the user to be prompted for a "Quantity". The meaning of "Quantity" can easily be unknown to the user. A field has been added that will allow you to describe what "Quantity" means (could be Pads, Copies, Books, Number of staples or any number of things). The field has 50 characters so you can explain it in some detail. Now when the user selects one of the bindery options, a form will open describing the formula used as it pertains to the template being used and the meaning of repetitions if it is checked. It appears that this new addition will be a major help in defining bindery formulas and testing them to see how they will be used by the various templates.

8) A Cut Map button has been placed on the Sheets and New Digital templates. It will default to the run size and finished size when it opens.

9) When you add a stock size to the Stock Cost table, you will be able to ask for the new stock size to copy relational information from any size of any stock that is defined. Before you were only able to copy relations from the same stock you were adding the size to.

10) When you change the customer attached to an order, it will now ask for the contact, phone, etc information for the new customer. It will also pickup the tax rate for the new customer and apply it to the order.

11) A new trigger is in place for customers with special tax considerations. If you enter .99 as the tax rate for any customer, the program will not let you print an invoice until you change the tax rate on the order. This can be used when a customer’s tax depends on what he purchases. The special tax requirements for the customer can be placed into the Notes field on the customer record. If you try to print an invoice with a tax rate of .99, the program will stop you and offer to show the customer notes field so you can enter the correct tax rate for the order. Once you have changed the rate from .99, not only will the invoice be much less, but it will let you print it.

Version 30101 - Nov 20, 2008

1) This is the update to Version 3.0

2) The digital printers that you setup starting in version 21465 are now available in the templates that used the offset presses.
Go to Maintenance > Change PSM Setup Table > System Options > Template. In the middle right of the form you will find three new choices. You can turn on the Digital Printers in the Templates and you can make them the primary choices.
The templates will basically work exactly like they did before, so there is not really any learning curve. I will be upgrading the Help System soon.
The only thing I can think of that will help you at this point is to understand that if you select any two ink colors the digital routine will consider that side to be Color. If there is only one ink color and it says Black anywhere in it, it will be considered B/W. So your ink selection “4 Color” will be considered color and your ink selection “Black” will be considered B/W. If you add an ink called “Digital Color” it will be easy to spot on the work order.

3) Under the Main Menu > Job Actions > Job Entry you will now find selections for Simple Digital which is the old digital template and Digital Printing which is the new digital template. The default digital template which is launched from the button bar is still the one you selected in the Template Options under System Options.

4) In System Options under the Quote button there is a new option to Omit Production Oriented information from the quote lines. Try this on one of your offset quotes and you will see the difference.

5) The Customer menu now opens in a separate submenu. This was necessary because of the limitation on menu options. I had exceeded it so I had to move something off the main screen. I think you will like this.

Version 21498 - Oct 102, 2008

1) Reduced the number of prompts about outdated or different ink and pre-press prices. Continue to hone the criteria for displaying a message at all.

2) Added a System Option under Template which, when enabled, will only tell you a price discrepancy has been found but will not ask to change it. This is to protect a job which may have considerable thought put into a prepress option price.

3) Added overrun to the copier clicks in the copier template.

Version 21495 - Sep 22, 2008

1) The test for current prices in pre-press and ink was occurring too many times and sometimes at the wrong time. So now it will only occur once after a job has been recalled. When you save a recalled job or click Recalc the Ink and PrePress will be tested. If the program finds something, it will alert you once. You then have the option to change the job or ignore the message.

2) The New Digital template tries to be intuitive about how many color or b/w flats will be used in a job. But with the 2->1 and 1->2 checkboxes and the ultimate flexibility of the template, the intuitiveness was getting in the way and possibly changing numbers that you did not want changed. So if you have AutoCalc turned off in the system options, it will reduce the number of assumptions the program will make. It really appeared to be possibly getting in the way rather than helping when I was developing the template but I left it in there anyhow. Well the consensus is to allow the user to make the decisions and not the program. Just let me know how you feel about this.

3) On the New Digital Template I changed the 1->2 and 2->1 buttons to be an option that can be turned on in the System Options. The addition of buttons, changes the meaning of the template, so If you need to be able to use it with sheets as originals you can turn on the buttons.

Version 21492 - Sep 18, 2008

I have a newer version of the Digital Template
1) I added One->Two and Two->One checkboxes. Several people asked for this but I did not want to do it because I thought it would be too complicated. I finally thought of a way to do it so it’s now in here. Please click Help on the Digital Template to read about it.

2) The Help System has been updated.

3) The One Page work order (the detailed one) now has all of the options that are on the Digital Template. So production should be happier.

Version 21479 - Apr 16, 2008

1) Added a new report, "Inventory Value" under reports, Inventory Status.

2) Added a button to the New Digital Template that will allow you to assume a Step and Repeat job format for the job.

3) If you chose a run size that is not defined in the Stock 2 Press tables, a message comes up that tells you the size that will be used for press, bindery and overrun calculations. The message will now give you a choice. When the message comes up there will be a box to allow you to enter another size to be used instead of the one chosen by the program.

4) The "Bindery" section of the OPE Report now shows a subtotal for each Bindery group you have defined.

Version 21465 - Feb 8, 2008

1) Every time you open the program it normally attaches to a database. If the database is not available, it will ask you for the location so it can attach. It did default to a location that it might find the demo database or an old one. Now every time it attaches, it looks for the last order date. If that date is over two weeks old it will alert you and ask for conformation to use it.

2) A new Digital Printer Template has been added. Rather than removing the old template and using the new one immediately, you will have the ability to continue to use the old one until you have setup the new one and everyone understands it. Then you can switch over. When you switch over, the old one will still be used if you recall an old job that used the old template. The old jobs can not be updated to use the new template as the new one is substantially different than the old one. You must select it in Template Options before you can use.

In the new one you have the ability to price a digital printer job front and back. You can specify color front and bw on the back. You can also specify how many clicks on the front or the back are color and how many are bw.
In addition to this you have the ability to setup pricing for more than one stock size. The attached Word document has the details on how to set up the pricing and how to use it.

To help you in setting it up, your current pricing tables from the old template have been copied and put into the new template format. You will need to print out the attached Word document and have it available when you start to setup the new pricing. To turn on the new template so that you can start setting it up you will go to the Template Options under the System Options button. You will initially want to do this when the program is not in use by others because the old template will not be available when the new one is in use.

Version 21437 - Dec 15, 2007

The form for specifying the colors that are standard for a stock, will now collect all of the colors that have been specified and present them in a dropdown box. You can just select the color from the list and click Add for the color to become one of the standard colors of any stock.

There is a Stock Inventory component now. If you will pull up any sheet stock or envelope form, you will see an Inventory button. Click on the button to see the inventory status for that stock. The Help button is on that form. Click the Help button to find out how to use Inventory.

Added Multiple Quantities to the Bindery/PrePress Template. Added a new quick launch button on the left for the Bindery/PrePress Template.

I noticed from the data I received from some of you that using the "Across The Board Price Change" resulted in up to 15 decimal places in some of the prices. I have incorporated a "Number Of Decimal Places" drop down on the form to limit them to the selected amount. So if you have a long string of decimals in your prices, just pull up the "Across The Board Price Change" form, set the number of decimals to 2 or 3, select multiply times 1 and let it reduce them with out changing your pricing significantly.

Added a Company Sales Graph under Reports. It shows the three year graph for your own company. Added Sales Graph to the Customer->List grid form. Select any customer and click the button. You can display more than one customer sales graph at a time.

Added a default paper specifically for the Digital Printer Template. It is under System Options and right now defaults to the Copier Paper Default. Also the System Options for Quotes, Invoices etc, which were on the System options form, are now under buttons that will launch a sub form. This was done to clean up the System Options form.

The ability to format your quote, invoice and statement has been enhanced. The additional instructions for using the new form are here and will be included in the help system later.

You can now make the logo graphic on the top of the form as wide as the form and the address will appear on top of it. You now have the ability to add a graphic, such as your address, phone, email and other info to the bottom of the form. You should reduce the bottom margin to 0 if you use this. Also you will use Mode 0 and not stretch or zoom the graphic. If you are using Mode 1 or 2 on your top graphic, you should change it to 0 and create a graphic that fits the space. This will yield the very best clarity of your graphic. By having a graphic at the top and bottom, you can increase the amount of color on your quotes and make them stand out better. Pittsford Printing in New York has already done this and it looks great. You can remove the Respond To box that is currently at the bottom of the form. You can remove, from the quote, the lines that say Pre-Press Options, Ink Color Options and Bindery Options and leave the descriptive lines in place.

When you save a quote to a PDF or XLS you will now have the ability to name it and specify where it will be saved. When you specify the location to save it in, that location will become the default for the next save.

Version 21399 - Feb 10, 2007

1) Delivery Method can be printed on the work order and can be set to Mandatory. The question comes up on the form for selecting the contact person for the order. The delivery methods table is located under Maintenance=>General.

2) The default number of days to add to today to get the Order Due Date can be changed to something other than 2 in System Options.

3) Added Mandatory fields for Artwork source and Proofing methods. This option ensures that the artwork and proofing details are on the work order when it is printed.

4) You can now find a job in the Search By Description form and click the Reorder button. It will reorder the whole order even if the order contains more than one job. If it does contain more than one job you can delete the unwanted jobs from the new order in Quick View.

5) The Copy Rate table structures can now be modified. The columns used for number of originals was set and you could not change them. They can now be changed, deleted and others added. To get to the tool to do this, click the Adjust Rates button on the Copier Setup Tables form. At the top of the Adjust Copier Prices form is a new button, called Modify Column Headings. The new tool is very similar to the tool in bindery for modifying a discount grid structure. It should be intuitive to use. Just click a button to Add or Delete or Modify and you will be prompted for the next steps.

Version 21378 - Oct 3, 2006

1) Added the ability to print a quote with header information in it. Such as tax, discount amount, shipping and other items.

2) The invoice is checked for validity. The payments, adjustments and original amount must equal the balance. If they do not balance a message is displayed to alert you. If you receive the alert the message will instruct you as to how to correct the imbalance.

3) Changed the procedure for Estimator Only and QuickBooks link users. The invoice balance is no longer reduced to zero after it is printed. This change is a result of the change above. Let me know if this is a problem.

4) Added a switch to prevent the order numbers from pre-filling the order number drop down in the search form. This will make the form pop up almost instantly. Try this and it will probably be the way you would rather use it.

5) Added Vendor to the Stock Order Check list, as who did you purchase the stock from. Vendor then prints on the Stock Order status report.

6) Fixed a problem in the bindery variable pricing grid. It was not producing linear results.

7) Fixed the Stock Purchase Quantity on the paged work order for booklets.

8) On the Operation Summary under Accounting, the line for Total Service Charges is moved to the top section of the report so that the Total Invoices line will equal the "Invoices" report under the Reports menu.

9) Paper color was changing back to White from a specified color under some conditions. This should be corrected now.

10) We added a new simplified WIP report in the Reports => Work Orders.

11) I'm not sure if this was in the last update..... After months of people asking for a better way to delete old quotes, someone came up with a great method of doing it. Check out the search by description form. It now has check boxes on each line and a "Delete" button. If you put a check into more than one line and click Recall, you will get each job you have checked. Also if you click Delete, it will delete each job checked after asking for a conformation. This Delete button in The Search by description Window can be disabled in System Options.

Version 21334 - Oct 31, 2005

1) A button called 'Job' is now on the templates. It will open a hidden note. The note will not print anywhere. Its use is exclusively to place a note on the job about the job that you do not want anyone to see except the person who may open the job later and on the screen only.

2) Hard Date checkbox for a customer requested completion date.

3) A message box at the bottom of the quote that can be setup in the PSM setup table form

4) Added the "Save or Change Jobs" ability to the login permissions list. A person can recall a job but cannot save it back to the original order. They also cannot originate a job in an order.

5) Several people have asked for a Delivery Charge that would automatically be placed on the job. This entailed several changes to the program. First the customer table has a new field called Delivery Zone. This allows you to define delivery zones out from your location. The greater the zone number the greater will be the delivery charge. You will find the Delivery Zone in the list view and the Modify view. Next, if you wish to activate this feature you will need to go to the System Options screen. At the bottom you will find the check box to enable this feature. When you put a check in the box a screen full of instructions will appear showing you how to use this and how to define your charges. You should print this page. Once it is activated, you will be prompted for a delivery zone when you click recalc, if there is not a charge already in the Bindery area of the template.

Version 21292 - Jun 17, 2005

1) The Customer Account Number is now a character string instead of a number. If you need to, you can replace a customers account number with alpha characters. It is still limited to 6 characters. Some of you had asked for this several months ago, but because of the complexity of the change it has taken a while to do it. I think the main advantage of this is the ability to group some of your customers by account number as well as name. For example if you have a group of customers called Acme Hamburgers, you can change there account numbers from being scattered around in the numeric range to being grouped together. They can start with acm001 and go as high as acm999. Print Shop Manager will still sort the account number field as a numeric in the dropdown selector unless you tell it to sort as alpha. The switch to change this is in the Systems Options form.

2) The PSM aging has another option now. Previously, an invoice started aging 30 days after the ship date. So an invoice that was 45 days old would create a service charge for 15 days times the daily rate. This was the way our old DOS program did it and also the way QuickBooks did it. But someone brought to our attention that there is another standard. So now you can change this with a switch in the System Options form. If you check the "Add Service Charges From Ship Date" checkbox, an invoice that is 30 days old will create a service charge for 30 days. It will not create any service charge until it is at least 30 days old.

Version 21285 - Apr 25, 2005

This has the new re-order report. When you re-order from the menu now, it will place a note at the top of invoice comment field on the order header (Reordered to WN123456 on May May 05). This note will show in the re-order report

Version 21281 - Mar 14, 2005

This update is the first pass at faxing or emailing directly from the PSM program.
This was tested here at the office using Microsoft Outlook as the email client. It was then used as an update on a Windows XP system that used the latest version of Outlook. It will not work with web based email programs such as AOL or MSN Hot Mail.
This update was also sent to the Mail Center Manager users about 3 weeks ago. I asked them to get back with me if they had any problems. No one called so I call a couple of them. They were using it without any problems. (nobody ever calls with good news)
In order for the fax to work directly, you must have a fax/modem installed on the computer you are using or have one shared on the network. Then Outlook must be told where the modem is and given transmission parameters. We will not be supporting the installation or trouble shoot the installation of fax/modems. In this early phase I will try to help with as many issues as I can, but I know that I cannot resolve all fax/modem or email client issues. The program will use them as they are, so they must be setup correctly.
When you print an invoice or a quote you will see the options at the top of the Active Report report viewer. The new options EML and FAX are beside the XLS, PDF and RTF options at the top right of the report viewer.
The program will attempt to find the correct email address or fax phone number in the contacts record and then in the customers record. If the email address or fax number does not exist anywhere, it will ask you for the information.

Version 21260 - Sep 11, 2004

1) The Pre-Press cut was using the same formula as the default bindery option for "Cut". This formula has been changed now to always look at the number and size of the Stock Sheets before the press run to determine the number and difficulty of the cuts. The formula for the default bindery option for "Cut" was not working properly in the Business Card template. Now, when using the Business Card template the defined class or formula for the default "Cut" bindery option will be ignored and the program will look at the number of pieces that will be ran through the press minus the overrun and the type and size of the stock to determine the cutting price. I looked at some of the databases from some of the PSM users and discovered that the formula for the default bindery option for "Cut" is set to Class 4. This is an incorrect Class for cutting. Formula class 4 is based on the number of originals times the number of copies. That number does not represent the number being cut, it is the number produced after the cut. The number being cut is the number going through the press minus the overrun the press and setup will consume. So "Cut" should be set to formula class 5.

2) Formula class 5 has been changed to be the number going through the press minus the overrun the press and setup will consume. It was the number going through the press including the overrun the press and setup will consume. Nothing in the bindery options should be based on the total run through the press but instead should be based on press run minus overrun or the number of finished size sheets.

3) Bindery Options based on Originals and Copies when used with the Copier template did not take the type of operation being done into account when calculating the number of times and option is being done. When using One->One or Two->Two the number of times an option is done was consistent with the same option on a press, but when One->Two or Two->One the number of times changes to .5x or 2x the expected amount. This has been corrected.

4) The Address Box on the quote ended up being a little too big for some who had customized the layout of the quote. This update changes the layout slightly and reduces the overall size to about what it was before the customer name field was expanded to fifty.

5) If you used multiple quantities pricing in the Pad Template, the bindery option for Pad was not properly updated if the Bindery Formula Class for Pad is 2. The program has been modified to check the formula class when calculating multiple quantities.

6) Added a message to the Copy and Digital templates to remind you of the number of Sets that will be produced when using Carbonless stock.

Version 21245 - Jul 26, 2004

1) Added system option "Inv AR Contact Is Order Contact". Setting this option in the Systems Options will make the contact listed in the address of the invoice be the person who placed the order.

2) Increased the customer company name to 50 characters from 30 in the customer table

3) Changed Carbonless: You can specify the color of the tag by adding more than one tag to the color NCR Parts Color table. You can have Canary instead of Yellow or the other way by around changing the name in the table. You can have multiple tag prices in the stock table but they must be the same name that's in the Parts Color Table. You get to the Parts Color Table by clicking the orange button on the Parts Selector Form, which you get to by clicking add Parts on the Carbonless Template.

4) Changed the OPE Bindery options report to break on the Bindery Group Names so that Bindery Groups are together. Also added Copies * Originals to the Bindery options in the OPE report.

5) Corrected an anomaly in the "Special Paper" pricing routine. If your run size was not a normal stock size, the equivalent characteristics were not found. Now if it's not a normal size it uses the characteristics of the next size up.

6) Two users asked for a Commission Report based on payments rather than sales. If you use this let me know how it works for you.

7) One user had a desperate need for defining Departments within a large customer. The number of departments was too large to just define a Ship To account for each one. You will find a Departments button under the Contacts button on the Customer Add/Edit Form. Press the button to add departments in bulk. There are some added fields besides the department name so that some extra information can be stored.
When you create an order you will see the department selector on the same form that asks for the contact. This information is stored with the order so that a "Sales by Department" report is possible. You can add a department there just like you can add a contact there. Just type it in and it will go into the add routine. Under the Invoices section of Reports you will find a report tied to Departments. This is a new function so I feel it is under defined. If you like it and have some suggestions for improving it let me know.

Version 21226 - May 13, 2004

1) On each defined press is a new field called "Back Side Press Factor". The value in this field is multiplied times the calculated press price for the back side of a press job. It is currently 1.0. If you replace this number with a value of less than one the back side cost will be reduced. A value of more than one will increase the back side cost. When you launch a template that uses the press you will see this value at the top of the template under the press name. You can change this value for an individual job without it changing the default value.

2) Also new on the template is a "Press Difficulty Factor" field. You can use this to move the press price up or down depending on the difficulty of the job.

3) The Work Orders by Customer report has been enhanced to use as a tool to communicate orders in process to your customers. If you have a customer that runs more than one job a week through your shop, you can print this report for them to verify orders in process.

Version 21219 - Apr 28, 2004

The Digital Printers template would price a job at a rate equal to the break point quantity above the quantity being run. This was a confusing algorithm. A check box is added to System Options to change the way the pricing breaks on the pricing table. If the box is checked, the price per will be equal to the lower quantity break point until the amount being printed reaches the next break point. Currently the price per reduces to the next higher break point. This check box will effect only digital printers.
There is also a slope vs step check box that will effect digital printers. This will allow a slope transition of price per from break point to break point instead of stepping from one to the other. It works like the slope vs step check box on the bindery quantity break form.
The new check boxes are under the Template Options on the System Options form.
Added Job Status check boxes to the Search By Description form.
Added Double Click to recall to the Search By Description form.
Added Double Click to recall to the Quick View an Order form.

Version 21211 - Feb 26, 2004

With this update you now have the option to print the price/1000 on quotes if the quote has multiple quantities. When the Quote Details Window comes up just before the quote prints you will see the option to Omit Price/1000 if you do not want it to print. When pricing color copy jobs, you may not want it to show the price per 1000. If you have not installed the 2004 registration, this update will not load.

Version 21177 - Dec 10, 2003

You can now start defining more types of Carbonless stock with any number of parts. When you enter your cost for the stock, you will need to calculate the cost PER SHEET, not the cost per pad. This allows much greater flexibility in the program to calculate the price for job. The only fixed name in the system is "NCR Tag Adder". You must have a stock called "NCR Tag Adder". It will be used as the tag board for the backing of a carbonless pad when one is called for. When you select the Carbonless Template you will now see a drop down for Stock Name. The only stock you will see in the drop down is stock that you have put into your Carbonless Paper Type. When you choose a Carbonless stock, it will automatically fill the Parts entry field with the number of parts defined on the Sheets Form. When the number of parts changes, the number of colors in the color sequence automatically changes. The sequence used is programmatically determined and is correct for any number of parts. When 5 parts is chosen a green part is inserted into the second position. When 6 parts is chosen, blue then green parts are inserted into the second and third position.
The Tag adder is considered a part as the program assumes it will be printed on.
Included in this update is the ability to define default printers and number of copies to be printed. After you install the update click Reports then Set Default Printers. This will allow you to define a default printer for invoices, quotes, etc. You can also define the default number to be printed. You can define the number to be printed and leave the printer blank if you need to. If the printer is blank the program will send print jobs to the system default. If the number of copies is blank, it will default to one.
Also in this update we added a switch to the system options to make a fax number print on the invoice and statement. Check System Options for this check box.

Version 21165 - Aug 27, 2003

1) Option to make shipping taxable (NY users)

2) Added a hidden switch to disable deleting invoices and payments. Call if you would like to enable this switch

Version 21146 - May 15, 2003

1) Changed the Service Charge write off to offset with a credit invoice.

2) Work Orders for carbonless now say sets and parts.

3) Added the ability to print details on the invoice.

4) OPE reports can be filtered by Customer Ship To or Bill To.

Version 21001 - Feb 25, 2002

1) Variable bindery rates. This will include a rate table and a rate grid. You will be able to instruct the bindery option to use one of these so you can discount large purchases of some bindery operations. It will also allow a pricing grid for something like folding/stapling with rows for quantity of books and columns for number of pages each.

2) A contacts table is in there which is being expanded. The contacts table will later be connected to the customers and vendors tables so that you can store the names phone numbers etc. of several contacts per customer and vendor.

3) A new variable is being added to the templates to allow you to increment the press rate up or down independent of the other options on the job. If ink coverage is light or registration is not a factor you will be able to move the press rate down. On the other hand if coverage is heavy and or registration is critical so that the press speed is affected you will be able to move the rate up.

4) Two new defaults will be defined; the default Carbonless forms name and default Tag Adder name. The Carbonless template will soon include a stock selection field like the Sheets template so you can have several carbonless paper definitions and select the one you want at job entry time.

5) A check box will be on bindery and prepress options to define which options are done outside.

Version 20040 - Jan 9, 2002

Bindery formula 6 is for GBC or some other binding procedure. It uses the number of originals and compares it to the maximum 'lift' for that option. If the lift is 50 and the number of originals is 25 it knows that all the originals will fit into one binding. If the number of originals is 75 or 100 it knows that it will take two bindings to get all the sheets in. The concept of a different price for each different numbers of pages is possibly a better way.

You should use formula 4 for 2 hole and 3 hole punch. It uses originals and copies which is the number of finished size sheets you will have. So it is about what will come off the press after it is sliced up. If you have one original and 1000 copies and it is ran 2 up, you are going to cut only 500 sheets but you will drill 1000. That is the difference between 4 and 5.

The price per each punch, drill or cut is the price per lift or punch through or cut through.

I know that some of you are aware of this but I want to be sure everyone knows how to handle 11 x 17 stock on the copier. The copier template does not charge more for copying 11 x 17 paper even though some copiers charge you more per click. The work around for this is to create another copier definition with a different rate table that will charge more per click for 11x17.

In this version, the program generates a unique serial number for each installed copy of PSM. This serial number will be used in the future to allow the program to run. It will also be used to validate update downloads.
To get it:
1) Open the program
2) Click the Help menu selection
3) Click the selection "About Print Shop Manager"
4) On the form that opens you will find the Serial Number

The serial number is in two parts separated by a coma, with the computer name on the end.
Serial Number.......................Computer Name or Function
K2Q7N1L7M,493359842    Front
A1W4I2R8N,491234567    Pat's Computer
A1S2D3F4G,498765432    Design Computer